L.I. Uri Valdez Pérez

Software Architect Husband and father, tech lover and coffee addict . . . More about me

Hi! My Name is Uri

Valdez Pérez, 40 years old, born in Monterrey, Nuevo León and I'm a web developer.

Throughout my professional career, I have acquired solid experience in the design, development, implementation and maintenance of complex software solutions. I have had the opportunity to work on projects of various kinds, from enterprise applications to web solutions and some mobile solutions, which has allowed me to develop a wide range of technical skills and a deep understanding of industry best practices.

Among my main skills are:

  • Experience in the entire software development lifecycle: From requirements gathering to implementation and maintenance.
  • Proficient in .NET C#: Extensive knowledge of the latest versions of the framework and language, including ASP.NET, Entity Framework, LINQ and other related technologies.
  • Strong object-oriented programming skills: Ability to design efficient and scalable software architectures.
  • Experience in relational and non-relational databases: Knowledge of SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
  • Troubleshooting and debugging skills: Ability to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
  • Teamwork and effective communication: Experience collaborating with multidisciplinary teams and clearly and concisely communicating technical ideas.

In addition to my technical skills, I am a proactive person, with the ability to learn quickly and a passion for technology. I am always willing to take on new challenges and stay up to date with the latest trends in the sector.

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Software Architect

Skills & Expertise

Javascript /
Node JS
React JS
Angular JS


Web Development
Responsive Design
Digital Design
Brand Design
Internet Marketing
Video Editing

What I'm Doing

Responsive Web Development

Creation and / or Maintenance of Web Applications with a responsive design, so that it can be viewed from any device.

Custom Web Design

Get a website only with what you need, in this way you can focus all the attention to your products.


Creation / Maintenance of Databases, automating and making processes more efficient.


Today in the internet environment is necessary be in touch any moment and any place, the mobile applications solve this and offer the ability to make yourself known.


The technologies advance in an incredible way, so it is important to keep updated at all times. Learn about new technologies and know all the advantages they can offer to solve different problems.


Write me any questions or budget request to create or update a website or web application and I will answer you as soon as possible.

My Resume

Work Experience 2009 - Now

Leadership and team guidance

  • I head and lead a development team for a messaging application, a business-critical application responsible for sending approximately 500 thousand emails and SMS daily.
  • I coordinate and oversee all stages of the software development lifecycle, from planning and design to implementation, testing and maintenance.
  • I assign tasks, setting priorities and ensuring deadlines are met.
  • I provide support and mentoring to team members, helping them solve technical problems and improve their skills.
  • I conduct weekly pair programming sessions with each team member to provide individualized guidance and support.
  • I hold monthly individual meetings with each team member to discuss their goals, needs and professional development.

Hangfire implementation

  • Implement the Hangfire solution to schedule and manage background jobs, ensuring reliable execution of recurring tasks and handling retries in case of failures in the message sending process.

Development of .NET C# solutions

  • I design, build and maintain components and applications using the C# programming language and the .NET framework, ensuring code quality and performance.
  • I create reusable NuGet packages to share code and components between different projects in the company, improving development efficiency and consistency and facilitating maintenance.

Definition of microservices architecture

  • Lead the transition from monolithic applications to a microservices architecture, improving system scalability, maintainability, and flexibility.

Working with AWS services

  • I use Amazon Web Services (AWS) services such as EC2, CloudWatch, RDS, DynamoDB, Lambda, CodeDeploy, SES, and SageMaker to build, deploy, and manage cloud applications.
  • I design and implement scalable and resilient architectures on AWS, leveraging managed services to reduce operational burden.

Database management

  • I work with relational databases such as MySQL, Aurora and PostgreSQL, designing schemas, writing SQL queries and optimizing performance.
  • I use the NoSQL database DynamoDB to store and manage unstructured data, taking advantage of its scalability and flexibility.

Monitoring with Grafana and Prometheus

  • Use Grafana and Prometheus to collect and visualize application performance metrics, such as URL response time, allowing you to proactively identify and resolve issues.

C# .NET .NET Core .NET Framework ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Web Api gRPC SMPP AWS AWS Cloudwatch AWS Cognito AWS DynamoDB AWS EC2 AWS Lambda AWS RDS AWS S3 AWS SES AWS SNS AWS SQS Github Grafana Microservices PostgresSQL MySQL AuroraDB React JS Python

Monterrey, Nuevo León
December 2018

2015 - 2018

Project development in .NET C#

Build complete applications using the C# language and the .NET framework, from planning to implementation and maintenance.

Development of API projects in .NET C#

Designed, developed and maintained application programming interfaces (APIs) using .NET C#, allowing communication and data exchange between different systems and applications.

Creation of NuGet packages

Developed NuGet packages to facilitate code reuse in different projects, improving development efficiency and consistency.

Use TFS as version control

Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) to manage the source code of the projects, facilitating collaboration between developers and tracking changes.

Work with SQL Server and MySQL databases

Designed, managed and optimized relational databases such as SQL Server and MySQL, ensuring the integrity and availability of data.

Work with NoSQL databases MongoDB

Used the non-relational database MongoDB to store and manage unstructured or semi-structured data, taking advantage of its flexibility and scalability.

Work with CMS WordPress and MODX

Developed and customized websites using WordPress and MODX content management systems (CMS), adapting them to client needs.

Work with Angular and Angular 2 applications

Maintained and improved web applications developed with Angular and Angular 2, updating the code, fixing bugs and adding new functionalities.

Work with ReactJS applications

Worked on updating and improving web applications developed with ReactJS, updating the code, fixing bugs and adding new functionalities.

C# ASP.NET MVC Microsoft SQL Server TFS Github NodeJS Angular React JS Wordpress MODX MySQL MongoDB

Monterrey, Nuevo León
October 2015 - October 2018

2014 - 2015

Development of solutions with .NET C#. I developed customized applications and functionalities for the company, using the C# programming language and the .NET framework.

Creation of NuGet packages. I packaged reusable software components into NuGet packages, facilitating their distribution and use in various company projects.

IIS administration and configuration. I was responsible for managing the IIS web server to ensure its proper operation, security, and performance for hosting the company's applications.

Work with MS SQL Server databases. I participated in the design, administration and optimization of the MS SQL Server database, guaranteeing the integrity and availability of critical data for applications.

Web design with administration templates (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). Created functional and attractive user interfaces for the company's internal applications, using pre-designed administration templates and customizing them with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Internal system update. Led the update of the company's internal system, replacing the Telerik plugin with Ext.NET, which improved functionality and user experience.

Work with CISCO Media Sense. Used the CISCO Media Sense platform to monitor and analyze the performance of the company's voice and video communications, ensuring smooth and efficient communication.

C# .NET Framework ASP.NET ASP.NET MVC Microsoft SQL Server IIS TFS Ext.Net jQuery jQuery UI Bootstrap Web Services Cisco Media Sense

Monterrey, Nuevo León
April 2014 - October 2015

2011 - 2014

Technological decision making. I led the evaluation and selection of the most appropriate technologies for each project, considering client requirements, budget, deadlines and market trends.

Development and updating of .NET C# solutions. In addition to programming, I supervised and guided the development team in creating and improving applications using .NET C#.

MS SQL Server database management. I oversaw the design, optimization and general maintenance of the MS SQL Server database, ensuring its correct operation and performance.

Frontend development with jQuery UI and Bootstrap components. Supervised the implementation of interactive and engaging user interfaces using jQuery UI, ensuring a positive user experience.

IIS administration and configuration. I oversaw the management and configuration of the IIS server, ensuring its availability, security and optimal performance.

Communication with clients. I met with clients to understand their needs and expectations, translating those requirements into clear technical specifications for the development team.

Definition of documentation. I led the creation of technical and user documentation, ensuring that everyone involved had a clear understanding of the project and its operation.

C# .NET Framework ASP.NET Microsoft SQL Server Bootstrap Web Services

Xalapa, Veracruz
September 2011 - March 2014

2009 - 2011

Development and updating of .NET C# solutions. This involved creating new functionalities, fixing errors and improving the performance of existing applications using the C# programming language and the .NET framework.

Work with MS SQL Server databases. You managed and maintained the Microsoft SQL Server database, which stored critical information for applications. This includes designing the database structure, writing SQL queries to access and manipulate data, and optimizing database performance.

Frontend development with jQuery UI. You used the jQuery UI library to create interactive and attractive user interfaces for web applications. This includes implementing components such as menus, dialog boxes, buttons, and other visual elements.

IIS Administration and Configuration. You were responsible for managing and configuring the Internet Information Services (IIS) web server, which hosted web applications. This involved setting up websites, managing security permissions, optimizing server performance, and troubleshooting technical issues.

C# .NET Framework ASP.NET Microsoft SQL Server jQuery jQuery UI Web Services

Xalapa, Veracruz
June 2009 - September 2011

My Education

Monterrey, Nuevo León
June 2018


Monterrey, Nuevo León
June 2018


Monterrey, Nuevo León
March 2017


Xalapa, Veracruz
March 2009

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